
Turkish Universities Fair in Pakistan

Turkish Universities Fair in Pakistan

Our university participated in the fair organized by the TRI-STAR Agency in Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore – Pakistan on July 18-23, 2023. The participation and attention at the fair were outstanding. They expressed a strong interest in Turkish culture and Turkey, and it was their dream to study in Turkey. The International Marketing and Student Recruitment Office staff, Omid Salimi Lak and Vice Specialist Devrim Arap representing our university, provided detailed information about our institution to the students. As an International Marketing and Student Recruitment Office visited the Turkish Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan. We had a meeting with the Turkish Ambassador and Education Counsellor, We express our gratitude to the fair organizer, TRI-STAR Agency, and its hardworking employees for this fruitful event. At this fair, where the interest in Turkish universities was exceptionally high, many high school students were informed about the Turkish education system, campus facilities, tuition fees, departments, and scholarship opportunities.